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  • Press release
METABUILD, IoT System Integration Platform Business Heating Up

Jul. 14, 2014 The Electronic Times​

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METABUILD(CEO Jopoongyeon) specialist in coordination and integration (ESB, EAI) middleware is start the IoT system integration platform business.


METABUILD has developed a MESIM IoT integration platform of IoT system, which is expanded MESIM Indigo ESB product and skills. The product has been supplied to the military weapon system, smart city and various sectors.


The MESIM IoT platform is constructed of a IoT component engine and standard interface adapter(HTTP, CoAP, MQTT), device profile storage facilities, device gateway. Between the different device and sensor layer provides a data communication, semantic based on data processing and heuristic function.


METABUILD advantage of excellent manpower and MESIM indigo technical know-how developed MESIM IoT platform system. METABUILD is planning to expand their IoT market by convergeing MESIM IoT platform product with other technologies like U-city platform system, road incident detection system, UAV ground control system.


The exisiting EAI product that is based on messaging or ESB product which is based on SOA can link some system. However, the MESIM IoT middleware product is possible to data collect, information processing, deploy, translate, monitoring, management the data through service protocol adaptor(CoAP, MQTT etc) which can link service based on SOA, device and sensors. Also, in combination with the existing data, sementic based on data processing and context-aware technology can provide a user customized knowledge contents service.​ ​ ​ 
